Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Keeping Your Twitter Stream Content Flowing – 24/7:

Keeping your brand in front of the Twitter universe is quite a challenge. Because the stream is continuous, fluid and ever-changing I will leave that subject (analytics) for another post.

Here’s how we addressed feeding content –

1. Segmentation: We segmented our Tweets categories by:

- News (breaking with commentary and high-utility)
- Sell (soft, hard)
- Education
- Awareness & Brand
- Public Service

2. Tweet Category Assignments:

I assigned the above Tweet category responsibilities to 4 (virtual) part-time staff on a staggered time basis. (I create the ‘sell’ category).

These resources are located locally and off-shore. I performed the training.

Resource 1 – newsworthy items + commentary; and education. (this resource was a journalist)

Resource 2 – awareness and brand (this resource has a digital marketing background)

Resource 3 – late evening newsworthy items and commentary and public service. (intern)

Resource 4 – supplemental research (scan for all categories) (retired marketing consultant)

These resources are a mixture of volunteer (retirees) and paid resources. There is some internal competition as to what Tweets have the most impact. I perform quality review for most Tweets with ongoing coaching. Once per week we have a Tweet Review that covers quality, timeliness and a host of other subjects.

3. Research Tools:

We use, for example: Copernic, Google, Lexis, Blog tools and a host of other utilities for research.

4. Scheduling & Delivery:

We have a Master Tweet Scheduler (Excel used collaboratively) by day-of-week, and use that for our guide. The Scheduler is a living-document, and is revised as we learn more about and from Twitter patterns, trends, who clicks, and more. We schedule outbound Tweets using TwitRobot, TweetLater and other tools.

Summary: This process keeps a steady stream of Tweet content delivered at one-hour intervals plus one-offs as they are found. The stream content is adjusted for time of day.

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